Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 New Year Resolutions

Like every time, the new year is an occasion for some introspection. Taking stock of the past year, it is certain that we have gone through some quite important changes, as a family. 
Now with the new year started, I am also considering taking some new resolutions.
1) eating better (those who know me know that I can take a few more pounds);
2) going to bed earlier (as I am never in bed before 11h30 or midnight, and even);
3) learning more intensively and intently Chinese (I still have 36,000 words to learn);
4) sharing time with Noam while we do new interesting activities together (rather than the usual mall playground).
There might a few more but I think it is enough for now. Lets see how the first few months go. 
For the Chinese, 2009 leads to some interesting resolution. 九 jiu, is pronounced djio. Similarly pronounced (same tone same sounds), 酒 jiu means alcool. So supposedly some Chinese have made the resolution to drink more in 2009. What an interesting twist to the exercise!

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