Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The art of country-road driving - part 2

We took the road with the return route scribbled on a piece of paper. No need for the GPS, I trust Google Maps better. The instructions were easy to follow, to some extent. As we got further away from Durham and closer to Taghkanic, we entered small and smaller country roads. But at some point, we experienced a certain sense of doubt about where we were going. I have to admit that we both don't know at all the area and we did not know the Boaz house's full address. Instead of mapping the correct address, I had google mapped Taghkanic, which is the village next to the house, but both of us never even drove there.
In addition, as we were getting closer to Taghkanic, Noam was getting restless. We had stopped on the way to visit some antic stores (more like expensive junk yards). Back on the road, when we could not see where to turn left on the 11A, we decided to go into a dinner and take a break, hopeful that Noam's mood would improve itself.
After a good american meal of open chicken sandwich and gravy, mash potatoes and fish and chips (the american version, not the brit one) we asked for directions. Unfortunately, we ended up in Philemont, turning left instead of right. Noam turned to yelling to tell us he really wanted to get out of the car.
We found a Family Dollar store to pause, purchased some wipes. Looked for formula in vain. Then drove back to the dinner (we knew it was not too far from the house). There an old guy pulled his map. The only road I could recall was Post Hill, so we found that. We hit the road again, this time going south, me at the wheel, Pauli doing the entertainment in the back. We turned right on Post Hill road from the 11, drove on it for a while, and the winding road took us back to the main road we left. At that point, we stopped. Everybody out of the car, Paul tried to reach Boaz by phone. Of course the coverage was horrible. Murphy's law is always efficient for this kind of stuff. After some lively discussion between me and Paul, while friendly passerby stopped to help us in vain (what could we ask? we did not even know the name of the road Boaz's house was on), and Noam exploring the grass, we hit the road again. This time we got on Post Hill from the west side, and ended up slowly recognizing the area. We made it, but overall it took us closer to 4 hours (including stops) than the 2 required ones!

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