This weekend are the pre-packing days. In order to facilitate our task and help our focus, our nanny has taken Noam with her for the whole day today. A very strange feeling for me, as in the last 10 months, I never being separated from him more than a few hours at the time!
We have to sort out everything for the movers. We are creating four piles. The easy one: Throw. Then there is the Store pile; stuff we are not going to take in Beijing and is heading to a storage unit here in DC. Then the Container pile; things that will meet us in Beijing. Then last but most important: the Luggage one, the things we will live with for the next 2 months (or three depending on our shipment delivery).
Our place is now full of boxes lying around, drawers are pulled opens and things are scatered around in every room. Our suitcases are getting pregnant... The diapers arrived, so we have a wall full of diaper boxes. (By the way, I wisely asked my nanny to advise on this, so we ordered lots of pull ups, foreseeing diaper training. Maybe I will have to do a post about diaper training the chinese way at some point.) We have little stickers - red for things to go in the Storage pile, green to go with the Container. Once we finish with those, and our place will look like a sale floor with tags on every item, except that there was a tornado in the shop.
I am trying to get my head around all our stuff and make priority of our things. Not easy. I would take everything and land there tomrorrow it would be simpler. I am also having this endless running list of to-do before we go, and I keep adding to the list or start doing 5 other things at the same time but can't complete any. In fact I stand around gazing at the mess most of the time.
I hope most of the sorting will be done by tomorrow lunch. Then Monday, the REAL thing will happen... The movers will be there!
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