Friday, August 8, 2008

on the road - day one

So we left in the morning. Slowly making our way northbound.
The car is packed except for a little space beside Noam's car seat,
so I can squeeze in in case he needs something. The ride was smoother
than expected. We discovered the little miracle of baby CD when Noam
started to whine a bit. As soon as he heard the songs he knows, he
started to giggle and laugh. Wow!
We stoped in New Jersey to visit an old aunt and uncle of Pauli. The
uncle is quite affected with Parkinson and it was a little sad to see
him, unable to walk, talk or see. Lydia, the aunt, was really happy
to see us, and took us for dinner to a great steak house. Noam had a
good time picking at the food there!
We reached New York around 9 at night, and happily crashed for a well
deserved night!

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