Friday, April 17, 2009

我是有名!Or How My Yoga Life Became Public!

For those knowing me well, you know that yoga is a important part of my life, a practice that I have pursued everywhere and anywhere, by myself or with others.
Upon moving here, I have been fortunate enough to be at the right place at the right time, and was offered to teach some "Baby and Me" yoga. I am now teaching for a second semester at Yoga Yard, a really nice studio in SanLiTun area. I have three classes per week, and really enjoy to see the moms and babies engaging together while doing yoga. You can see my bio here.
A few weeks ago, a woman from Beijing Kids magazine approached me to do a photo shoot for the April issue. I accepted without really thinking about this too much. One of my student kindly allowed me to take the pose with her son Taylor, a really cute and fun baby. We had a good time doing the shoot.
Well, now the thing is that I am on 3 pages of the magazine!!! Most of my friends have come up to me, waving the magazine with a funny air of reproach, saying: "How could you have hidden this from us!"

Here it what the result looks like!

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