Friday, November 7, 2008

Nanjing Modern City

Nanjing is a large city in South Eastern China, the former capital of the country. You can see a view of the cityscape here (sorry I am unable to make the image appear directly). It also holds an important place in China's recent history, as it was the site of a important massacre by the Japanese. 

Nanjing is currently one of the fasted developing region of China in terms of construction and economy. It is growing exponentially and attempting its best to cope with the influx of workers, the rise of cars and all their related side effects. On the its main problem is the pollution. 

From the pre-Olympic media frenzy, you have all read about China's growing pollution problem. You have been kind enough to worry about us when we decided to move in Beijing. So to reassure you, you can be happy we are not living in Nanjing... 

Indeed, the city is struggling with heavy metal pollution from its industries, states the CRNS. The area is one of the two top polluter in the country, and of the world. If you are curious about the specifics of the air quality of any city in China, you can go here
De Nanjing modern city
This is a view from our 14th floor hotel room window. 

Interestingly, as I was trying to get information online to write about this (so that I am not stating wrongly anything), I used some web tunnels, to check how much is filtered by the Chinese Government. This was assuming that pollution levels are somewhat sensitive information, at least to the Chinese public (who suffers from it). And not so surprisingly, some scientific reports from my Google search did not come up while searching without the tunnels. This is another casual encounter with the eyes China has on me. 

So here are a few pictures of the cityscape as seen from the car, on our way to the WUF.
De Nanjing modern city
De Nanjing modern city
De Nanjing modern city
De Nanjing modern city
After landing back in Beijing, the city felt unpolluted to our lungs and eyes, and I was happy to see a blue sky when I opened my eyes this morning.

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